Escale à San Juan: quoi visiter? Originally, the settlement was known as Puerto Rico and the island as San A view over San Juan Puerto Rico. It is about 3.5 miles in length, the largest body of water in an estuary of about 97 square miles of channels, inlets and eight interconnected lagoons. San Juan, capital and largest city of Puerto Rico, located on the northern coast of the island, on the Atlantic Ocean. Experience San Juan, Puerto Rico's capital and center of history and culture. Sen väkiluku vuonna 2000 oli 434 374 ja metropolialueen väkiluku oli samana vuonna yli 2,5 miljoonaa. Je pars en croisière et nous faisons un arrêt à San Juan. What was once the crown jewel of the Spanish Empire is now the island's historic and cultural center, as well as the most popular launching point for Puerto Rico vacations. A major port and tourist resort of the West Indies, it is the oldest city now under U.S. jurisdiction. Here’s a list of bars that are considered the best in the area. Se on Yhdysvaltain vanhin eurooppalaisen asutuksen keskus. Whether it’s the ever-evolving collection of street art in Calle Cerra, or the Friday night dancing at La Placita, there’s always something new and exciting happening in the nation’s capital . In 1797, a British fleet of approximately 60 ships attempted to take San Juan but failed in what is known on the island as “The Battle of San Juan.” The 19th Century Puerto Rico, as a small and relatively conservative Spanish colony, did not participate in the independence movements of the … As the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan is a popular destination where most visitors like to experience the vibrant nightlife. San Juan is one of those cities that no matter how hard you try, you just can't help but feel alive when you're there. The San Juan bay is home to the island's busiest harbor and its history dates back to at least 1508. San Juan. San Juan Bay is the inlet adjacent to Old San Juan in northeastern Puerto Rico. The capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan is a vibrant city that’s always full of life. Il ne semble pas y avoir beaucoup de choses à visiter...Avez-vous des suggestions? There are numerous drinking holes to choose from. Croisière à Puerto Rico. (Puerto Rico). San Juan on Yhdysvalloille kuuluvan Puerto Ricon itsehallintoalueen pääkaupunki ja Puerto Ricon saaren suurin kaupunki. Hotel El Convento.