Strongman Hypertrophy ... one of the world’s premiere strongman competitions — the main event of the weekend has been and still is the Arnold Classic bodybuilding contest. The Arnold Sports Festival is the nation’s largest health and fitness expo and multi-sport festival. The IFBB Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival, is an annual multi-sport event consisting of professional bodybuilding (Arnold Classic), strongman (Arnold Strongman Classic), fitness, figure and bikini weekend expo. Man, headline a field of 10 qualifiers at the 2020 Arnold Strongman Classic to be held in conjunction with the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio. We are responsible for managing and promoting the largest network of competitions around the … Editor in Chief. For qualifiers, visit Open to Australian and International competitors worldwide, the Arnold Amateur Australia will return in 2020, offering Pro Cards to overall winners. Martins Licis aus den USA konnte seinen Titel aus dem letzen Jahr erfolgreich verteidigen. The Arnold Strongman USA Championship, featuring the strongest men in the world, will return to the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles on January 18, 2020. The Strongman Family always welcomes new comers and help and assist where we can to help you better at Strongman. Now, Brian has decided to waste no time and hit the ground running in 2020 by competing at the Santa Monica pier qualifiers for the Arnold Strongman Classic. Subscribe on Youtube For the past two years, the Arnold has now been named the Arnold Pro Strongman World Championship, with a clear cut qualification process called the Arnold Pro Strongman World Series.Athletes must win or accumulate points through these qualifying contests. Join us and continue to check back here for contest results this season! Come and enjoy the Pro Strongman and take some pictures and some autographs. Arnold Strongman Australia is the organisation responsible for growing the strongman culture within... Jump to. The Arnold Classic Sports Festival 2020, the huge consumer expo and sports competition held annually in Columbus, […] Rob Kearney (USA) – 2019 Arnold Sports Festival Australia Champion. Top 2 qualify for 2020 Arnold Strongman Classic in Columbus, Ohio 1. Here are the schedules for the Strongman and bodybuilding competitions and how to stream. I’m kind of over the max deadlift to be honest. It was established in 1989 and is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sections of this page. Matjaz Belsak (Slovenia), 24 points 2. Bjornsson won the Arnold Strongman Classic for the second straight year in 2019 after winning his first title in 2018 and finishing second in 2017. What better way to kick off the New Year than planning to attend one of the Arnold Classics on 3 different continents? 2020 QUALIFIERS* Hafthor Bjornsson (Iceland) – 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic USA Champion. The IFBB Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival, is an annual multi-sport event consisting of professional bodybuilding (Arnold Classic), strongman (Arnold Strongman Classic), fitness, figure and bikini weekend expo. It was established in 1989 and is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. The festival is held over three days in March at the … Mikeneto... 04-03-2020 @ 09:54 : End of an era. * All Arnold Classic Events are Mr.Olympia Qualifiers held Fri, Sep 11, 2020 – Sat, Sep 12, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can still watch the Arnold Classic 2020 events online. Bei dem Wettkampf konnten die Athleten wertvolle Punkte zur Qualifikation für die Arnold Strongman Classic 2020 sammeln. 2019 ARNOLD PRO STRONGMAN FESTIVAL HOMMES FORTS WARWICK 2019 ARNOLD PRO STRONGMAN EUROPE 2020 ARNOLD STRONGMAN USA 2019 POINTS STANDINGS* Through 2019 Arnold Pro Strongman Africa and includes points awarded at 2019 Arnold Strongman Classic. Arnold Strongman Classic 2020; Columbus, Ohio Discussion. Read Arnold Strongman Classic 2020; Columbus, Ohio. It annually showcases elite sporting events alongside the latest trends in the health, fitness and sporting industry. … We have Novice and the Pro/Am on the 15th and 17th of May and the Big Giants on the 16th. Member 4646, 1805 posts. Martins Licis gewinnt in Santa Monica Am vergangenen Wochenende fand am schönen Venice Beach in Santa Monica der Arnold Strongman Pro Wettkampf 2020 statt. The 2020 Arnold Strongman Classic gets underway in less than 24 hours!