Studying Abroad. The programme is highly interdisciplinary and brings together experts and knowledge from the fields of engineering, physics, computer science and medicine. If the admission committee would have given me an essay to prove my knowledge, i believe i could have been easily selected for admission. General Information; Academic Information; Studying in Bamberg. Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration; Website section: Faculties. But my bachelor degree is strong with an A in my thesis. At MAOT students get this expertise from across the university in one … General Information; Academic Information; ECTS-Guide/ ENBS … Erster berufsqualifizierender Abschluss: Bachelor Study Programmes; Studying internationally. Contrast High Regular Language English; Deutsch; Studies. If the admission committee would have given me an essay to prove my knowledge, i believe i could have been easily selected for admission. Die nachfolgenden Hinweise sind vom Institut sorgfältig zusammengestellt worden. Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration . Das Bachelorstudium am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissen-schaften in Nürnberg zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Ausrichtung und eines der vielfältigsten Fächerangebote im deutschsprachigen Raum aus. Die verbindlichen Regelungen finden Sie in der Allgemeinen Bachelor- und Master-Prüfungsordnung. The "Master Programme in Advanced Optical Technologies" (MAOT) provides in-depth training in the fundamentals and applications of state-of-the-art optical technologies. Wirtschaftswissenschaften Bachelor of Arts . Sie sind aber nicht rechtsverbindlich. Das Studium startet jeweils zum Wintersemester. Bitte beachten Sie auch die Informationen …