The Flag of the United Federation of Planets is also a prominent Federation symbol, often displayed at government buildings, official events, and at state and Starfleet funerals. The United Federation of Planets (more commonly known as the Federation, or abbreviated to UFP) is the largest interplanetary allied government settled in the Alpha Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. [edit] Size and location Edit. See more ideas about United federation of planets, Alien races and Star trek. UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS. Marvel Films Marvel … Follow. The Federation is an intergalactic Republic made up of peaceful planets that work together. At the centre of its political system is the Federation Council, headed by the … Founded in 2161, the United Federation of Planets is an interstellar alliance of more than 150 planetary governments, spread out over 8,000 light-years. The Flag of the United Federation of Planets is also a prominent Federation symbol, often displayed at government buildings, official events, and at state and Starfleet funerals. (TOS: "Amok Time"; DS9: "Rapture"; VOY: "In the Flesh"; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) In 2371, as part of a ruse to get Ensign Harry Kim to buy worthless Lobi crystals, Quark … AdmiralClarky (admiralclarky2) Alfie (arthurblitz1) AviatorKirk (aviatorkirk) BearKranz (bearkranz) KallenZigne (kallenzigne) Mark (aequaiis) Mars61 (commandermars61) Owen (crookedsuper) Seth007 (seth007) TeutonicOrderBall (teutonic_orderball) Thomas Smeed (thomassmeed) Trip Tucker (triptucker) Lists. The Federation Council was the unicameral legislature of the United Federation of Planets.Seats on the Council were filled by representatives from the various Federation members.In 2286, the Council convened in San Francisco. The UFP is a large international Star Trek community which provides members with a wide range of Star Trek and supported Non-Trek gaming events, Sci-Fi News and a place for members to engage in discussion. See Memory Alpha United Federation of Planets. United Federation of Planets Members Collection by Brydon Sinclair. The Anthem of the United Federation of Planets is the official musical composition … Members of the Federation are united in various endeavors involving trade, exploration, science and defense. Welcome to the United Federation of Planets - A Community for Star Trek fans. Organization Starfleet (sfcbear) Members. Symbols of Federation patriotism include the Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets, which serves as the official emblem of the UFP. The United Federation of Planets (abbreviated as UFP and commonly referred to as the Federation) was an interstellar federal republic, composed of planetary governments that agreed to exist semi-autonomously under a single central government based on the principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation and space exploration. As the name suggests, the Federation was a Federal system, with the member planets retaining a lot of power over their own affairs. The United Federation of Planets was founded in 2161 by the governments of United Earth, the Confederacy of Vulcan, the Andorian Empire, the United Planets of Tellar, and the Alpha Centauri Concordium, all of which were previously members of the Coalition of Planets. United Federation of Planets Team » United Federation of Planets appears in 212 issues . … The Federation is an intergalactic Republic made up of peaceful planets that work together. See more ideas about United federation of planets, Alien races and Star trek. Symbols of Federation patriotism include the Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets, which serves as the official emblem of the UFP. United Federation of Planets Team » United Federation of Planets appears in 212 issues . 127 Pins • 153 followers The many alien races that make up the UFP from Star Trek. Office of the President of the United Federation of Planets:See also: Federation members and Federation colonies The Federation was located in the Alpha Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. … By the early 2370s, the Federation's territory was spread across 8,000 light years, with a membership of over 150 worlds and over 1,000 semi-autonomous colonies. The United Federation of Planets (UFP) is a federal representative republic with its capital located in the cities of Paris and San Francisco on Earth (Vulcan Sector). 9 Aug 2016 - The many alien races that make up the UFP from Star Trek.