Salon réservé aux professionnels Aufgrund des Corona-Virus haben wir den Light Walk 2020 auf 2021 verschoben. Covid-19, better known to many as "Coronavirus", currently dominates the media. ... Luminale cancelled . The “BlauRaum” light installation bathes Frankfurt’s Fahrgasse in blue light. En parallèle au salon Light + Building, la ville de Francfort proposent des événements culturels des plus divers comme des fêtes, expositions et illuminations. Luminale - Biennal for Light Art and Urban Design 2020 - cancelled; The date of this event lies in the past. We are working on the planning of Light + Building from 27 September to 2 October 2020 and look forward to seeing you again in September. 25.02.2020 | 10:56 Clock | Culture. Palmengarten, Frankfurt: Address, Phone Number, Palmengarten Reviews: 4.5/5. Share Tweet E-Mail Pin Share. Important elements of the electrical engineering segment will be on display in the new exhibition area in the Western Section of the fairground. »Das Programm der Luminale – Biennale für Lichtkunst und Stadtgestaltung ist beeindruckend, rund 110 Installationen werden vom 12. bis 15. Die zehnte Luminale als Biennale für Lichtkunst und Stadtgestaltung findet vom 12. bis 15. Der Light Walk ist eine der Neuerungen der neunten Luminale. The whole city of Frankfurt and Offenbach are set with light installations in amazing scene and irradiated in an artistic manner. März 2020. Informations pratiques. März 2020 – und damit erstmals über ein gesamtes Wochenende hinweg – in Frankfurt und Offenbach zu sehen sein, viele davon im öffentlichen Raum«, sagt Peter Feldmann, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Frankfurt und Schirmherr der Luminale. “An impressive program of around 110 installations will be on show in Frankfurt and Offenbach from 12th to 15th March 2020 – for the first time over an entire weekend – There will be a stage program with […] Images; Information ; Information. New perspectives are also opening up for the lighting segment. Bereits zum zweiten Mal wurde das Instituto Cervantes Frankfurt als Festivalzentrum ausgewählt. Interested visitors can explore the Light Walk in numerous guided tours. The Luminale is the light show in Frankfurt and a bridge to Light & Building Fair 2020 which will be held at the Messe Frankfurt. Messe Frankfurt and the Light + Building team continue to offer you the customary high level of service, and can be reached either by phone or email at their home office. The Luminale, which takes place every two years in Frankfurt an Offenbach, was originally an accompanying event to Frankfurt's international trade fair Light + Building. Die Luminale 2018 zeigte 150 Lichtinszenierungen in Frankfurt und Offenbach und zog knapp 250.000 Besucher an. Explore the first ever thematic light show of the “Digital romantic” at Luminale 2020 from 12th-15th March,2020. Auf ihm verbinden sich zu Fuß erreichbare Orte zu einem Stadtrundgang und einer öffentlichen Galerie der Lichtkunst. 25.02.2020 | 10:56 Clock | Culture. Luminale - Biennal for Light Art and Urban Design 2020 - cancelled. Important elements of the electrical engineering segment will be on display in the new exhibition area in the Western Section of the fairground. It unites 35 artistic works from all categories to form an inner-city gallery and connects landmarks and monuments with undiscovered and remote places. New perspectives are also opening up for the lighting segment. The fair is being expanded in 2020 with the addition of the new Hall 12. The comprehensive complementary programme of events at Light + Building makes your visit to the fair even more successful. Herzstück der Luminale im städtischen Raum ist der Light Walk. Entdecke was heute in Frankfurt und in der Rhein-Main Region los ist - finde hier die besten Veranstaltungen! The Light Walk is one of the innovations of the ninth Luminale. The heart of the Luminale in the urban space is the Light Walk. The whole city of Frankfurt and Offenbach are set with light installations in amazing scene and irradiated in an artistic manner. La Luminale est devenu un événement à part entier qui attire plus de 140 000 visiteurs internationaux. Top themes and events reflect the latest trends and future-oriented developments in the sector. Themes & Events Fringe programme 2020. Does not take place: The Luminous Gaze. The Luminale is the light show in Frankfurt and a bridge to Light & Building Fair 2020 which will be held at the Messe Frankfurt. A walk-in video/light installation welcomes visitors into a poetic oasis of light and color in the middle of the city.