Januar kommt der Film in die deutschen Kinos. Revolutionary Road with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.Directed by Sam Mendes – Winslet’s husband and the director of the 1999 Oscar-winning Suburbia Hell effort American Beauty – the dysfunctional suburbia-set Revolutionary Road was adapted to the screen by Justin Haythe, using as his source Richard Yates’ 1961 National Book Award-finalist novel. I absolutely knew. Kate Winslet und Leonardo DiCaprio: Eine bezaubernde Freundschaft - Normale Freundschaften zu pflegen, ist schwierig genug. Following more television appearances in Britain, she made her film debut with the leading role of murderess Juliet Hulme in Peter Jackson's crime film Heavenly Creatures (1994). Revolutionary Road is a 2008 romantic drama film directed by Sam Mendes. And I did know exactly what he wanted - this kindof cheese, no tomato, no pickle. Weitere Ideen zu Kate winslet, Leonardo dicaprio und Titanic film. Die Film-Genres Drama, Romantik und Action gelten dabei zu den bevorzugten Filmbereichen der beiden Darsteller. Kate Winslet und Leonardo DiCaprio haben zwischen den Jahren 2004 und 2014 in 14 Filmen zusammen mitgewirkt. Am 15. Filme mit Kate Winslet und Leonardo Dicaprio In welchen Filmen haben Leonardo DiCaprio und Kate Winslet zusammen gespielt? & Leo said, `Oh, Kate will tell you.’ & Leo just kind of fell asleep. I thought, `God, that’s really weird that I know this person so well.’ ♥. She made her screen debut at age 15 in the BBC series Dark Season (1991). Kate Winslet is an English actress. The official website for Leonardo DiCaprio, featuring archived film photos, trailers, and information; biography; and related news both for Leonardo's acting and producing projects as well as the work of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Wenn aber zwei Menschen Hollywoodstars sind und im Rampenlicht stehen, ist eine lang anhaltende Freundschaft eine echte Seltenheit. Sie waren eines der schönsten Liebespaare der Filmgeschichte - und das noch dazu in einem der erfolgreichsten Filme aller Zeiten: Leonardo DiCaprio und Kate Winslet. This is the second on-screen collaboration among Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Kathy Bates, all of whom previously co-starred in Titanic, released in 1997. Zum ersten Mal seit "Titanic" wieder vereint: Kate Winslet und Leonardo diCaprio in "Zeiten des Aufruhrs". It was written by Justin Haythe and based on the 1961 novel of the same name by Richard Yates.