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Here is a word list of Geography-related terms for improving your vocabulary. Rain Forests - 392 Vocabulary Word List. Lucianna Kelly Geography Vocabulary List 1 1. Geography- the study of the earth and the ways people live and work on it 2. TYPE: Teaching Resource. Geography Vocabulary : As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means 1. Antarctica - 154 Word List Oceans, Maritime - 280 Vocabulary Word List Geography vocabulary resource created using Twinkl Create by rosebaqts - Geography Keywords Primary Resources, map, city, sights, country, USA, Australia, Africa, Europe, Early Years (EYFS), KS1 & KS2 Primary Geography also includes the study of the people of the Earth and how they interact with it. Border. Alphabetical-All Subject & Themed Puzzles, Abrasion, Abundance, Acre, Adaptation, Aeration, Agriculture, Alluvial, Altitude, Annual, Anthropology, Arable, Archeology, Archipelago, Arid, Atlas, Atmosphere, Atoll, Australia, Axis, Azimuth, Badlands, Barren, Barrier reef, Basin, Bayou, Belt, Belvedere, Berm, Bluff, Bog, Border, Boundary, Bowl, Butte, Caldera, Canal, Canyon, Cape, Cardinal points, Cartographer, Cartography, Cascade, Cavern, Cay, Celestial, Change, Channel, Chaparral, Chasm, Circulation, Circumnavigate, Civilization, Classification, Cliff, Climate, Clippings, Cluster, Coast, Community, Compass, Compost, Condensation, Conditions, Coniferous, Conservation, Continent, Continental divide, Contour, Coordinate, Copse, Crag, Crater, Creek, Crevasse, Crevice, Cuesta, Cultivate, Current, Cuttings, Cycles, Dam, Damage, Deciduous, Decomposition, Decoration, Decorative, Dedication, Degree, Delicate, Delta, Depth, Desert, Destruction, Develop, Digging, Disperse, Distance, Diversity, Division, Doldrums, Domain, Drainage, Drought, Dune, Earth, Earthquake, Ecology, Eddy, Elements, Elevation, Eluvial, Energy, Environment, Equator, Equidistant, Eradicate, Erosion, Escarpment, Esker, Espalier, Estuary, Eurasia, Europe, Evaporation, Everglade, Evidence, Evolve, Exfoliate, Expanse, Exposure, Farming, Fault, Feature, Fissure, Fjord, Flood plain, Forest, Fossil, Frost, Fuel, Gap, Geyser, Glacier, Glade, Glen, Globe, Gorge, Grasslands, Great Divide, Greenland, Greenwich, Grid, Grotto, Grove, Gulch, Gulf, Gully, Guyot, Habitat, Harbor, Hardy, Harvest, Headland, Hedge, Height, Heirloom, Heliotrope, Hemisphere, Highlands, Hinterlands, Horizon, Iceberg, Igneous rock, Inlet, Interconnection, International Date Line, Inundate, Involve, Irrigation, Island, Isobar, Isotherm, Isthmus, Lagoon, Land, Land-form, Landmark, Landscape, Latitude, Lava, Legend, Levee, Littoral, Location, Longitude, Lowlands, Magnetic, Mainland, Map, Marine, Marsh, Mass, Massif, Materials, Meadow, Meander, Mercator projection, Meridian, Mesa, Minute, Moisture, Monsoon, Moor, Morass, Mountain, Mulch, Nadir, Nation, Natural, North America, North Pole, Northern Hemisphere, Noticeable, Oasis, Ocean, Oceania, Ooze, Original, Overlook, Ozone, Palisade, Pampas, Parallel, Pelagic, Peninsula, Permafrost, Permeable, Physical, Piedmont, Pinnacle, Plains, Plateau, Polar, Polder, Pole, Pollutant, Population, Position, Prairie, Prime meridian, Promontory, Proof, Province, Rain forest, Rainfall, Range, Reef, Region, Scale, Sea level, Sediment, Seismograph, Site, Situation, Smog, Society, Steppe, Strait, Subtropical, Swamp, Tectonics, Temperatures, Territory, Threat, Tidal wave, Topography, Transportation, Tributary, Tropic, Tundra, Typhoon, Unexpected, Unique, Universal, Unusual, Urban, Value, Variation, Variety, Various, Vegetation, Verdant, Volcano, Weather, Weeds, Wetlands, Widespread, Wilt, Wither, Woodlands. Let students combine vocabulary fun with geography fun!This 5-page printable activity introduces students to etymologies and combines vocabulary with geography. the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body, bands of light caused by charged solar particles, a bowl-shaped vessel used for holding food or liquids, an indentation of a shoreline smaller than a gulf, the regions of the Earth where living organisms exist, a large alphabetic character used in writing or printing, a large cave or a large chamber in a cave, the science that maps the general features of the universe, a triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides, leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch, water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight, a branch of a river that flows away from the main stream and does not rejoin it, the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees, an imaginary line around the Earth forming a great circle, the process of wearing or grinding something down, a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs, a low plain adjacent to a river that is formed chiefly of river sediment and is subject to flooding, of or relating to or happening in a river, droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground, of or relating to the science of geography, an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land, a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds, a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas, a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land, an easterly wind in the western Mediterranean area, low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation, a thin fog with condensation near the ground, a strong north wind that blows in France during the winter, a land mass that projects well above its surroundings, the direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass point, a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary, a large body of water that is part of the hydrosphere, the branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans, a large mass of land projecting into a body of water, involving or characteristic of governing or social power, a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the water's surface, a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek), a violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa, a depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof, a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand, air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog, the direction corresponding to the southward cardinal compass point, a cylinder of calcium carbonate hanging from a cave roof, a cylinder of calcium carbonate projecting from a cave floor, the way something is with respect to its main attributes, a large and distinctive landmass (as India or Greenland) that is a distinct part of some continent, the configuration of a surface and its features, a violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor, either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone or tropics, a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave, a tropical cyclone in the western Pacific or Indian oceans, the theological doctrine that all people will eventually be saved, a long depression in the surface of the land, the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees, a low area where the land is saturated with water, Created on February 24, 2013 Active Volcano: A volcano that has erupted recently and is likely to erupt again. A vocabulary list featuring Physical Geography.. AS Exam Revision. ( An image taken from an elevated position. capital. Arctic Circle KS2 The imaginary circle around the earth, parallel to the equator, at latitude … Word search puzzle about geography vocabulary online You can see a game called word search puzzle related to geography vocabulary. Get to know about these words to help you explore the geographical features of the earth. Geographical Terms Vocabulary List. Is it bergig (mountainous), flach (flat), or maybe just a little hügelig (hilly). Is the Philippines a continent or an archipelago? Accessibility varies from place to place and can be measured. in list order from A to Z from Z to A from easy to hard from hard to easy. England Scotland Wales N.Ireland Belfast Cardiff Edinburgh London North/Irish/Celtic Seas EnglishChannel UnitedKingdom. Updated on: July 30, 2009. geography The study of the physical features of the earth. Choose from 500 different sets of geography vocabulary flashcards on Quizlet. chart. Students choose ten words (from a 100-word list) and use A coral reef or an island in the shape of a ring. This glossary of geography terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in geography and related fields, which describe and identify spatial dimension, geographic locations, topographical features, natural resources, and the collection, analysis, and visualization of geographic data.For related terms, see Glossary of geology and Glossary of environmental science Geography Vocabulary Bundle! How would you describe the landscape around you? This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Dependent Population: those who rely on the working population for support e.g. jgabriel23. Write. A vocabulary list featuring Human Geography - High School. Learn geography vocabulary with free interactive flashcards. Agriculture: The growing of crops and rearing of animals. Match. Geography. On this page you'll find a list of 100 French geography terms including names of continents, oceans, relief terms and much more. Beat your last streak, or best your overall time. Geo refers to earth and graph refers to writing or describing. It is the branch of science dedicated to the study of the Earth's physical features, such as oceans, mountains, and continents. Collocations: 2500+ collocations list from A to Z with example sentences. It is also the rate of heating (by compression) as an air Geographical Terms Vocabulary List . When we are trying to describe a Landschaft (scenery/landscape) we need a lot of words to describe what we see. The words of a language great habitat … It is updated to suit the requirements of the new Geography PoS. Continents, Regions, Countries, and U.S. States. English lesson in PDF In simplified terms, one could say that Germany, looked at it from the Norden (north) t… CREATE NEW FOLDER. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. contour line. Geography vocabulary resource created using Twinkl Create by rosebaqts - Geography Keywords Primary Resources, map, city, sights, country, USA, Australia, Africa, Europe, Early Years (EYFS), KS1 & KS2 Primary Teaching Resources Word list activities: Geography vocabulary. This is a pack of map skills, landforms and states and capitals geography on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. Make studying geography FUN in whole groups, partners, individually, or centers with meaningful, research based strategies! Geography describes the Earth. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined 3. I have created this vocabulary list to aid teaching and assessment in Geography. Learn about the words: Geography vocabulary using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. Asaboveplus…. In order to maintain its currency, the Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List is updated on Social Studies and History. Spell. GCSE Weather and Climate Vocabulary Adiabatic cooling/heating The rate of cooling (by expansion) as an air parcel rises.It is approximately 1 degrees Celsius per 100 metres. Students choose ten words (from a 100-word list) and use etymology in a print or online dictionary to determine the country that gave the . The required terms are Beat your last streak, or best your overall time. Whether you're a student, an educator, or a lifelong learner, can put you Atlas. Find and select the words on your device. Let students combine vocabulary fun with geography fun!This 5-page printable activity introduces students to etymologies and combines vocabulary with geography. AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ALL VOCAB TERMS. Created by. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons 2. Vocabulary. Lucianna Kelly Geography Vocabulary List 1 1. capital city. Atoll. Flashcards. Geography Vocabulary : As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means 1. bands of light caused by charged solar particles. Subject specific vocabulary All terms stated in the specification can be used in the exam. the degree of ease with which it is possible to reach a certain location from other locations. Geography lists are a wonderful way to have your child not only learn how to spell the names of the states and their capitals, but also learn which capital goes with each state. Cancel. Start a Jam and invite your friends and classmates to join. PLAY. Spelling Bee Test your spelling acumen. is a user-supported site. No comments. Altitude is the measure of elevation above sea level. The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words falling into disuse. What are the key features of a desert landscape? STUDY. bay. Friction of Distance-is based on the notion that distance usually requires some amount of effort, money, and/or energy to overcome. Let's take a look at Germany! name,locateand identify characteristicsof the4countriesand capitalcitiesofthe UnitedKingdomand itssurroundingseas. Absolute location- the position of a place on the earth’s surface 3. continent. Do you live next to a See (lake), in a Tal (valley), next to a Fluss (river), or on a Berg(mountain)? basin. The words in the list are hidden below. Absolute location- the position of a place on the earth’s surface 3. Review these human geography terms and learn all about the human forces that shape and are shaped by the natural world.You'll explore immigration and emigration Test. B) Badlands, Barren, Barrier reef, Basin, Bayou, Belt, Belvedere, Berm, Bluff, Bog, Border, Boundary, Bowl, Butte. Oct 18, 2018 - Geography vocabulary list and basic conversation. AP Human Geography-Vocabulary Lists. (updated February 24, 2013). The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons 2. Accessibility: How easy a place is to get to. Learn how to spell the place names by printing up the handwritten sheets and practicing writing the geography words. PLAY. Geography Terms Vocabulary Words List. This is an important concept in geography because it symbolizes how … Gravity. Students should be familiar with, and gain some understanding of, these terms in relation to the topics that they study. atmosphere. Is the word ‘flood’ a noun or a verb? Depopulation: the decline or reduction of population in an area. PGCE Geography student) Aerial photograph Aims A photograph taken from an aircraft or satellite in flight. Terms in this set (427) accessibility. Learn. compass rose. AP Human Geography – Vocabulary Lists Space Time Compression-The reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result of improved communications and transportation system. Site members have full access to an ad-free, print-friendly version of the site. aurora. a bowl-shaped vessel used for holding food or liquids. The notion that Successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape. Glossary Look up a vocabulary term Search the Glossary for geography, science, and social studies terms. We add exercises on grammar and vocabulary as well as whole text activities on a regular basis. STUDY. city. Where do you live? De-urbanisation: the process in MEDCs by which an increasingly smaller percentage of a country’s population lives in towns and cities, brought about by urban-rural migration. Geography vocabulary. Copyright 2021 Vocabulary University ®. Sequent Occupance. Geography- the study of the earth and the ways people live and work on it 2. the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body. Hemisphere- half of a sphere or globe, as in the earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres 4. Manage My Favorites. Vocabulary List Vocabulary words and phrases Phrasal verbs: 2000+ common phrasal verbs list from A to Z with examples and ESL worksheets. an indentation of a shoreline smaller than a gulf. Spellers of the world, untie! A vocabulary word list (word bank) about landforms. A collection of maps of the planet Earth. An artificial line drawn segregating two geographical areas. Nature - 195 Vocabulary Word List In addition, we provide test practise activities for students who are preparing for the Cambridge Assessment English Main Suite as well as the English Language B for the IB Diploma . cartography. Altitude. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language the young and elderly. cartographer. Geography Vocabulary Word List (317) A) Abrasion, Abundance, Acre, Adaptation, Aeration, Agriculture, Alluvial, Altitude, Annual, Anthropology, Arable, Archeology, Archipelago, Arid, Atlas, Atmosphere, Atoll, Australia, Axis, Azimuth. All Rights Reserved. YEAR 7 GEOGRAPHY VOCABULARY Accessible: A place which is easy to reach. Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By Admin. Print Add to Favorites. Additional vocabulary word lists related to the Geography feature: A word list of Geography-related terms for improving your vocabulary depopulation: the decline or of... Featuring Physical geography.. as Exam Revision as well as whole text activities on place... Word, then try to spell it correctly the geography vocabulary list geography PoS refers writing! Collocations: 2500+ collocations list from a to Z with examples and ESL.... A to Z with example sentences vocabulary fun with geography fun! this 5-page printable activity introduces students to and... Imprints on a regular basis to know about these words to help you explore the geographical of! Effort, money, and/or energy to overcome have full access to an ad-free, version... The decline or reduction of population in an area above sea level or collection of the earth and how interact! 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