melon companion plants

So let’s take a look at the plants… Companion Planting Charts. Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon, thrives in the sunniest garden spot. Common types of melon in the United States are watermelons, honeydew, and cantaloupe. The suggested crops to keep cucumber beetles under control include: Because other members of the Cucurbitae family are all attacked by cucumber beetles, planting watermelons next to these crops is not recommended: Potatoes can attract different aphid species, including the melon aphid, so avoid planting potatoes next to watermelons. Ripen on the vine longer for a sweeter fruit. Simply by placing certain plants next to others, you can naturally repel pests and stimulate growth. Avoid planting vegetables in large patches or long rows and interplant with flowers and herbs. Marigold, lavender, and borage are good companion plants for watermelons because of their continuous or intermittent blooming. There are many different aphid species. Gurney's carries a wide selection of cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew varieties. Melons appeared in Europe during the Bronze Age, and found their way to the Western Hemisphere in the early 1600s. Alliums, such as onions, chives, and garlic, all make good companion plants for watermelon vines. Because pole or bush beans enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen, they are generally viewed as a good companion plant for watermelons. Nasturtiums, popularly known as garden nasturtiums and scientifically known as ‘Tropaeolum majus,’ are useful companion plants for watermelon and a wide range of other garden plants. While tomatoes and peppers are not attacked by the same aphid species as watermelons, planting them next to each other is not recommend because it can lead to space issues. Make sure that the plants have not been treated with any insecticides or pesticides. Nadia Hassani has nearly two decades of gardening experience. This is a list of companion plants.Many more are in the list of beneficial weeds.Companion plants assist in the growth of others by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or providing nutrients, shade, or support.They can be part of a biological pest control program. Do not grow bitter melons with potatoes and herbs. Use this vegetable companion planting chart as a guide so that you can design your garden in order to have better success! And keep in mind that the flowers of highly hybridized cultivars are generally less attractive to pollinators than heirloom varieties. Seedless (triploid) watermelon varieties need regular (diploid) watermelons, because only they can provide the bees with pollen to pollinate the flowers of the seedless watermelons. Melons are large berries with a thick rind and sweet, fleshy fruit. Plant … Companion planting helps control insects that harm cantaloupe. Give your melons plenty of sun and space so their vines can spread. Proper Spacing with Companion Planting. In the plant kingdom, watermelon, also known as Citrullus vulgaris, is friendly to almost any plant and vegetable that is abundant. Companion Plants: Beans, corn, peas, pumpkins, and squash. Celery is often planted near members of the cabbage family, for its strong scent is thought … As you can see by these companion planting charts, and the plant index in the next section, there are quite a … Side-dress plants with aged compost during the growing season to add nutrients and to help retain moisture in the soil. Nasturtiums keep bugs and beetles away. Companion Plants for Cantaloupe. The following plants can either deter the aphids, or can serve as trap plants to distract the aphids from attacking the watermelon plants: Cucumber beetles, both the spotted cucumber beetle and the striped cucumber beetle, feed on watermelons. Because of their strong smell, alliums often help to deter pests. Nasturtiums, when planted alongside melons, help keep insect pests away from the plant by repelling insects like aphids and squash bugs. However there are a lot of variables that can impact the effectiveness of plant companions. Once established they can grow up to ten foot long tendrils, climbing all over your garden trellis. There are a number of combination that vegetables will grow better and work together in the garden. Onions are especially good companions to certain plants because of their ability to deter bugs. According to our research on melons, we don’t recommend planting broccoli and potato nearby. Most companion planting teachings are passed down by gardeners who experimented with pairing plants with some success. That’s companion planting over the longer term. They grow prolifically in well-enriched, sandy loam soil that is kept moist during the growing season. Marigolds and Watermelons. Plant 5-6 melon seeds in mounds that are 2 feet apart. There are many varieties of melon produced and consumed worldwide, but the originated in Africa and Southwest Asia. Not only do these insects feed on the plants but they can also transmit viruses from plant to plant, which is often more damaging than the insect’s feeding. I have not one but two charts for you. Their vines reach 20 feet in length, and the spread is not connected to the size of the fruit—both small varieties such as Sugar Baby and large ones such as Crimson Sweet have a spread of six to eight feet. Again, bear in mind the mature size of the watermelon vines, as well as the size of the melons, to make sure the flowers or flowering herbs intended to attract pollinators aren’t being overgrown or crushed. Seeding a strip of mixed wildflowers next to your garden is also a good way to attract native bees, which are just as important as honeybees for watermelon pollination. Basil is a great herb to plant next to tomatoes to help improve their flavor. They also have anti-fungal properties, which can help to keep watermelon vines healthy during the growing season. Even though there are no clear no-noes for watermelon companion planting, there are still a few things to consider when selecting where to plant watermelons, and which plants to put next to them. So, keep melons away from other melons, cucumber, and zucchini. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Dill is a popular aromatic herb to plant in a home garden because it attracts beneficial insects … Learning Download: Companion Planting A good all round companion plant, the marigold attracts beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies. Bush Star: Ideal for growing cantaloupe in containers or in small spaces. The striped cucumber beetle can also transmit bacterial wilt, a deadly plant virus.Â. Companion planting can be very useful in this aspect not just to drive pests but best of all to invite beneficial insects or pollinators. How Does Companion Planting Work? Once you’ve harvested them, the will get softer to the touch, but the flavor will remain consistent. They attract the highest number of aphid species, which is why they don’t make good neighbors for watermelons neither. Companion planting is a key ingredient in an overall gardening modality that is good for people, pets, plants, and the planet. Whichever type of watermelon you grow, it is crucial to attract bees to your garden. Read our editorial and user-submitted reviews and find the best space saving garden tower. Keep reading to learn more about companion planting with onions. For companion plants, you’re going to want to plant it with things like radishes, lettuces & then avoid things like cucumber, zucchini, and basically anything in the melon family. Strawberry, tomato, beans, mustards, pole beans. Reward yourself by growing sweet, juicy melons. Companion planting is the practice of growing … They also deter many harmful pests including aphids and nematodes. To give plants a boost water with compost or comfrey tea every third week during the growing season. Also, watermelons require full sun so they should not be planted next to any tall crops that can cast shade on them. Companion plants for cantaloupe include corn, pumpkin, squash, collards, borage, oregano, radishes, marigolds, petunias and beans. The two main pests that affect watermelons are aphids and cucumber beetles. Read our editorial and user-submitted reviews. Companion planting is maybe the easiest organic way to encourage health and growth in your garden. As with city planning, the way your lay out your vegetable garden is crucial. Side note: Melons do well with corn and were put with squash since they are in the same family. Unsure where to buy the best organic and heirloom seeds online? Like cucumbers and some squash, cucamelons produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. Unlike most other cucurbits (like cucumbers and squash), the female flowers appear be… Melons can be direct sown into raised planting hills or melon seed can be started indoors and transplanted to the garden. So you’ve decided to plant melons in your fantasitc garden, nice! Cantaloupe Varieties. Aphids can also take down a watermelon plant. Calendula (P) Garden … When growing melons, choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and warmth during the day. Seedless (triploid) watermelon varieties need regular (diploid) watermelons, because only they can provide the bees with pollen to pollinate the flowers of the seedless watermelons. Marigold, lavender, and borage are good companion plants for watermelons because of their continuous or intermittent … The pollen is quite sticky and requires insects, mostly bees, to move it from the male to the female flowers for fertilization and fruit production. Companion planting is part experience, part folklore, and part wishful thinking. Much of companion planting is common sense: Lettuce, radishes, and other quick-growing plants sown between hills of melons or winter squash will mature and be harvested long before these vines need more leg room. Also known as mouse melon, Mexican sour gherkin, Mexican sour cucumber, and pequinos, cucamelons are slow-growing when first planted. Some plants that grow well with pumpkins are beneficial because they enhance the vegetable’s flavor. Honeydew Melon Companion Planting Fruits and vegetables from the cucumber and melon family have a male and female flower where pollination is required to get the plant to bear fruits. The one that attacks watermelon is the melon or cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii). Keep in mind that the lack of good air circulation in a densely planted garden plot can accelerate plant diseases, especially in plants with dense foliage, such as tomatoes. It … Foe Vegetables to Avoid Planting with Melons:. Companion planting means putting plants together in the garden that like each other, or help each other out. Watermelon Companion Plants, watermelons are one of the most popular plants to grow and are cultivated and enjoyed by gardeners around the world. In any case, … If your melons are not eaten directly after harvesting, they may be stored safely in your refrigerator for up to 12 or 15 days. Best Companion Plants For Eggplant For centuries, in many parts of the world, eggplant was grown strictly as an ornamental plant for its … Alternatively, the planting of disruptive plants can quickly bring your garden to ruins. Members of the aster or sunflower family and roses are prime targets for aphids. Watermelons have both male and female flowers on the same plant. Herbs: Pungent, aromatic herbs like mint, catnip, tansy, and basil are also excellent insect repellents. There are many varieties of melon produced and consumed worldwide, but the originated in Africa and Southwest Asia. Planting certain vegetables next to each other can deter insects and inhibit growth. Whichever type of watermelon you grow, it is crucial to attract bees to your garden. Organic gardeners strive to achieve a balance in their gardens so that … Marjoram, if used as one of the pumpkin growing companions, is said to produce better tasting pumpkins. Place your bean teepee or trellis accordingly, facing it north or east, so it does not obstruct the midday and afternoon sun that your watermelons need to thrive. Companion planting can have a real impact on the health and yield of your plants. Cass County Master Gardeners recommend marigold, oregano and nasturtium as companion plants for melons. Check your soil to make sure the pH is between 6.0 and 6.8, and ensure there is a high enough calcium level. Dill. Best Companion Plants for Deterring Pests, Companion Planting to Control the Insects in Your Garden, Best and Worst Companion Plants for Potatoes, Best Companion Plants for Cucumbers and Those to Avoid, The Best and Worst Companion Plants for Zucchini and Summer Squash, Best and Worst Companion Plants for Cilantro, Best and Worst Companion Plants for Tomatoes, Best Companion Plants for Broccoli and Those to Avoid, Best and Worst Companion Plants for Garlic, Identifying and Controlling Cucumber Beetles and Their Larva, The Best Companion Plants for Pole Beans and Bush Beans. Use mulch to protect your plants as they grow, and be aware of pests and disease, which will spread very quickly. Once you’ve completed this, add fertilizer to your soil. It also helps repel aphids, … They will sap the sweetness from the leaves and affect the vine’s overall growth and fruit development. Leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard grow in the shadow of corn. Celery. Melons will not survive a frost, so if there is a threat of one, hold off on planting. Selection: LargePricing: LowShipping: Free/Prime, Selection: LargePricing: MediumShipping: Cheap/free, Selection: LargePricing: LowShipping: Cheap/free. But there is one caveat especially with pole beans—they should not be casting much shade on the watermelons. Like all melons, cantaloupes belong to the cucurbit family and they are also known by the name muskmelon. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Watermelons are good neighbors for many other crops, which makes them one of the most compatible plants for your garden. Melons Companion Planting Chart Planting Melons in your Garden Melons are large berries with a thick rind and sweet, fleshy fruit. She works as a freelance copywriter, editor, translator, and content strategist. Avoid planting melons with potatoes. Water your melons ever 2-3 days and fertilize every 3-4 weeks. Melon and squash are also beneficial as pumpkin companion plants. Slugs and snails are also attracted to marigolds so keep … Make sure you soak the soil after planting the seeds. How They Work Companion plants can repel harmful insects or attract predatory insects that will eat the bugs that want to eat your melon plants. Here are the best and worst companion plants for watermelons: Unless you are growing a bush-type watermelon, the plants need a lot of space. Planting Tips For Melons. Taking those two requirements—space and sunlight—into consideration will already narrow down the possible spots in your garden that are suitable for growing watermelons. They should be firm to the touch, and you should be able to smell the fruit through the skin. Enhance the garden plot with nutrient-rich garden compost or well-aged … Towards the end of the summer/beginning of fall, your melons should be ready for harvest. Basically they make it difficult for the plants to grow and mature and can attract diseases. The soil must be above 70 degrees Fahrenheit for the seeds to germinate, so plant in late May or early June. That is probably also why they often don’t show up in companion planting lists (they do in this chart).

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