解説 . One of the most powerful battleships in the game. This site uses We recommend the following browsers Select Language Site search Donate Site search Donate At least the superstructure won't look like a male sexual organ. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. The Großer Kurfürst is a tier X German Battleship. Imagine the h8 if it's a Russian Izumo. She holds twelve 420mm guns in triple turrets (And those turrets can travers 180 degrees in 40 seconds). Battleships have traditionally been the flagships of a given nation's navy, originating from the Age of Sail's ships-of-the-line, to World War I's dreadnoughts, to modern day battleships sporting longer ranges, higher speeds, and advanced equipment. 主砲 Georgiaと並ぶ457mm砲を装備。 Tier10巡洋艦に多い30mm装甲を強制貫通できるが、Yamatoのように32mm装甲を強制貫通できるわけではない。 しかしこれらのライバルより高弾速・低弾道であり、またAP弾の最大ダメージでも上回る。 Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Also it's Komrade Lenin.