Every business needs to be aware of the importance of branding in marketing. The branding process aims to create an image of a product or a company in the consumer’s mind, there are different ways to achieve this goal, but the most important tool to establish a long-lasting relationship with customers is through advertising campaigns. Clear message. 1749 Words | 7 Pages. Evaluate the Importance of Branding, and Brand Loyalty, to Successful Marketing. Whether you’re looking for a better job or more sales for your company, personal branding is more important than ever. Marketing and Branding affect how someone perceives your company as a whole, your effectiveness to drive in new business, and overall brand awareness. Here are our 10 reasons why branding is important to your e-commerce business. Your name, logo, online presence, product/service, and appeal to the masses should all be strategically and creatively linked by your branding efforts. It shows who you are and which consumers may want your product. Your company brand sends a message about your company and its values. Packaging is an extension of your brand and should carry the same message. Today, branding is much more complex, making it more important than ever. Your branding plans depend on your long-term growth in combination with the short-term results. Why is Branding So Important? Branding requires vast sums of money, but once invested your business can yield tremendous benefits. Branding is more than just a fancy marketing term. Branding is a marketing practice, which lets a company create its own name, design, or symbol for forming a unique identity. Marketing and branding, two of the most common used words in the contemporary world, is closely linked to each other without doubts, but the importance of branding to successful marketing is enquired to measure in term of the question. Branding for companies has grown in importance over the years and for some it is now even included on the balance sheet. Many small businesses overlook branding as they think they are just a business and branding is for the companies with huge capitals. Branding is one of the most important marketing aspects of any company. Because to have a valuable brand helps to develop a profitable business. Packaging and branding are both essential to marketing your product or service. Why? No firm has an unlimited marketing budget, no matter how big it is.