The EU Business School is a multi-campus private business school with headquarters in Geneva and Montreux and campuses in Barcelona and Munich too. Germany > Munich Business School web ranking & review including accreditation, study areas, degree levels, tuition range, admission policy, facilities, services and official social media. The institution offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programmes in business administration. It was established in 1973. At our private university, the students are educated to become senior managers! Find the latest world rank for LUISS Business School and key information for prospective students.. Le Financial Times publie un classement mondial des 100 meilleurs masters en management (MIM). The institution also offers a number of online courses too. Référence dans l’univers des ranking des meilleures Business Schools internationales, les écoles françaises restent bien classées malgré le nombre toujours plus croissant d’institutions qui …