Chair News. Die Module bauen aufeinander auf und mit der Zeit wird alles schlüssig. Master degree programs at the Faculty of Management and Economics The Faculty of Management and Economics offers the following Master degree programs. and M.Sc. The Master of Science (MS) in Applied Economics and Management is a research-based degree program for students who want to investigate economics, finance, and business. degree programs Recent announcements can be found under “News”. Moodle-Support. Bachelor of Science - Management and Economics Studying Management and Economics together All modules are accompanied by an online course … Teacher's Corner. Examination Office for the Faculty of Economics Welcome to the Faculty’s Examinations office webpage. Please check “Terms” for important dates. It combines the expertise of three economics departments at the universities in the Ruhr Area (Bochum, Dortmund Essen, and Duisburg) with that of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, one of Germany‘s leading economic research institutes. Home. Typically it takes two years to complete an MBA degree. Interdisciplinary Master program (Bochumer Modell): Management and Economics (Master of Science, M.Sc.) Fachsemester und ich finde es toll. Courses. The Ruhr Graduate School in Economics (RGS Econ) is a center for research and higher education in Economics. Economics and Management (Bachelor of Science) For master's degree programmes with restricted admission, places shall be allocated according to the university’s own selection procedure, if there are more applicants fulfilling the admission requirements than there are places available. The Master’s Program in Economics and Management Science (MEMS) is designed to give students the knowledge, skills and methods necessary for critical and successful future involvement in the worlds of economics and business. 2 Inhalt Contents Allgemeine Informationen ...................................................................................................14 Studienberatung Here you will find important information regarding examinations in our B.Sc. Ich studiere Management and Economics an der Rub nun im 3. auf den Internetseiten des Studiengangs Sales Engineering and Product Management (SEPM) der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.. Wichtige Informationen für den Masterstudiengang SEPM. Auch nach dem Studium hat man eine breit gefächerte Branchenwahl. Master Modules at the Faculty of Economics. How to register. We act according to the information provided by our faculty.Therefore, requests regarding our courses in the upcoming semester and bachelor or master theses cannot be answered until further notice. Summer term 2020 16.03.2020: Dear students, according to the new regulations, the RUB and all its facilities will be closed from March 18, 2020.So far we do not have any further information. If you are already studying at our faculty, you can find the time table for the current semester as well as our module handbook and the examination regulations for … Admission Requirements An undergraduate degree in a related field of study, such as. A master's in finance or economics may be completed in … Vorläufiges Modulhandbuch für alle Masterprogramme der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Preliminary Module Handbook for all Master programs offered by the The Chair for Work, Human Resources and Leadership offers the following courses for the Master's degree programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics. Please notice the changes of the master degree programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics starting as of winter term 2020/21. Sie haben Ihren Bachelor nicht an der RUB abgeschlossen, dann haben wir die wichtigsten Schritte zu einem Studienplatz bei uns im Bewerbungsleitfaden für Sie aufgeführt. Management & Economics Dictionary. Become a course instructor. 13-03-2020 RUB Management visited SA-GER CDR Accompanied by DAAD’s Secretary General Dr. Dorothea Rüland, RUB’s Rector Prof. Dr. Axel Schölmerich and Chancellor Dr. Christina Reinhardt visited the DAAD-funded South African-German Centre for Development Research (SA-GER CDR) as part of an information visit of management members of German universities. Faculty of Management and Economics Master Programs Economics’ electives Summer semester 2020 (Stand: 11.03.2020) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 - 10 Module Macroeconomics I Lecture Global Value Chains 075 242 D’Orazio Lecture 8-10 BS 2/02 Start: 06.04.2020 Module Structural Change and 075 305 Saam 8.30-10 GD 02/148 Management Master programs: Management (Master of Science, M.Sc.) Program. MBAs are more expensive to obtain than a master's in finance or economics.